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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:23 pm
by wrestling4future
We chose to be part of the West Virginia Youth Wrestling Association because it is what's best not just for our son, but for the future of WV youth wrestling. We travel all over the country and see how other states operate and see that WV youth wrestling is behind. The WVYWA wants to help advance wrestling in the Mountain State. My son has won 3 WV Junior State titles (every year he has participated) and we chose not to wrestle there this year. Why? We are believers in the WVYWA and their commitment to our youth. WVYWA States are held later in March. Over 75% of the state believes in this organization; therefore, most of the youth wrestlers in WV will be at the State Tournament in Huntington. So when asked...Why?...I say WHY NOT? Why not wrestle at a bigger venue? Why not go where the competition is? Why not earn your way to states? Why not help benefit all clubs across the state? Why not help advance wrestling for our youth? Some say it's tradition to attend WV Junior States. If tradition is doing the same old thing and holding our youth back then it's a tradition that needs revamping. It is no longer a tradition for WV youth wrestling for 75% of the state. I am not going to remain complacent when there are ways for our state to improve wrestling for our youth. Be proactive and be apart of the change. Especially when it's a change that has been needed for some time now. For those of you who do not understand the WVYWA.... I encourage you to find out for yourself. Ask questions. Call those individuals who are over your region and find out what it's about not just for yourself but your kids. The WVYWA is a group comprised of supporters, coaches, parents and youth who wanted change. It's not a single individual or just a few individuals. It's the majority of the state coming together to make a difference for WV youth wrestling.
Just a wrestling Mom